I have divided my blog posts by topic. Since writing this post, I have also figured out the “labels” function in Blogger, and tagged each post with some labels as well. But I will continue to update this page.
Every single post will be listed here. I had thought of adding a short description of each one, or a comment about it, but this would make the list more difficult to browse, so that such comments are more likely to be made as different posts, such as in the “Metaphysical commentaries” post.
I have retracted some posts, since I no longer think of them as a good representation of the way I think about their topic; I may remedy this in the future with a new post. These used to be listed with the others, with “(deprecated)” written after the title – after the W3C standard name for outmoded HTML elements – but as of 2022-06-30, I have put them in their own section, as well as simplified the division of categories; as of 2022-07-12, I have changed the word “deprecated” to the more standard word “retracted” across the entire blog.
1. Introduction to the blog
Logical ordering of blog (you are here)
2. Philosophy posts
The most systematically important posts have been bolded.
2.1. Protreptics
2.2. Logic and method
Qualification as Proportionality
A formal shorthand for categorical logic
2.3. Metaphysics
Kant vocabulary equivalence project
Olavo’s definition of philosophy
Answering objections to philosophical behaviorism
2.5. Perception and emotion
Inconsistency in The Last Psychiatrist
2.6. Social relations
Division of human relationships
Difficulty in defining friendship
Wanting to be loved is irrational
2.7. Ethics
Interpersonal comparisons of utility
Introduction to natural law ethics
Empirical postulates of sexual morality
The Behaviorist Stoic Programme
2.8. Politics
Intellectual property, to Catholics
Property, friendship and hierarchy
Arguments for environmental regulations
Follow-up on intellectual property, to Catholics
Just price calculation principle
Libertarian political practice
2.9. Aesthetics
2.10. Natural theology
What is born creates its own use?
Reason of the World, and New Theodicy
2.11. Supplementary material
3. Religion and theology posts
Knowing God Differently Problem
Genesis as an allegory for philosophy
4. General humanities posts
Division of the works of Plato
Solon & Philo: Ten ages of man
Curiosities of the threefold division
Possible arrangements for a cosmological poem
European marriage pattern causes preliminary research
Milady Maker Memes Information
Severinus Boethius’s works in English
Meme explanation: the King Size of Rio de Janeiro
How to undermine scientific authority
5. Personal posts
The first rule of conversation
The inverse law of ignorance and contempt
Great Ventilation and Telephone Riots of SrDt 3454
6. Retracted posts
Statement of political opinion
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