Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Agnes Callard

This blog post is my fan page for Agnes Callard, a philosopher who teaches at the University of Chicago. It is inspired by an earlier fan page, which, at the time of writing, I thought had gone down because its URL had changed. That page, made by Sravan Bhamidipati, summarized Agnes’s opinions on various topics and linked to all of her articles.

This page reproduces Sravan’s list of links and adds other links, as well as some biographical information about Agnes that I thought was worth noticing. Unlike Sravan, I have not attempted to summarize Agnes’s opinions on any topics here, although I have a separate post that summarizes her book. This page has benefited from having been noticed and praised by Agnes herself and pinned to her Twitter, which has helped bring some information I had missed to my attention.

For biographical information about Agnes, touching chiefly on the event christened “Arnoldgate” below, I also recommend the profile of her that was published by the New Yorker on 2023-03-06, which Agnes herself seemed to think was fair.


Agnes Callard has been involved in three main drama events, which I have named “Arnoldgate”, “Picketgate” and “Candygate”, after the -gate suffix pattern.


Arnoldgate refers to the fact that Agnes Callard (maiden name Gellen) left her husband, Benjamin Callard, and married a graduate student named Arnold Brooks, who she had met while still married to Ben.

She and Ben hosted a talk about it as part of her “Night Owls” debate series; the talk may be watched here. Ben seems to still be on good terms with Agnes and her children.

This created some drama at the time and since, and was brought up again by some people when Candygate happened. Arnoldgate was the chief topic of the now-famous profile of Agnes for the New Yorker.


Picketgate refers to the fact that Agnes Callard did not stop teaching her classes around the beginning of June 2019. This was during a ‘strike’ of graduate students – or whatever the proper name is, since apparently the union wasn’t ‘recognized’ yet. Anyway, she was crossing picket lines to teach class, and on June 5th she published a column about why she did it, which apparently caused a lot of Twitter drama that was also brought up again a lot during later events. (This wasn’t on the first version of this page because I had personally missed it, but I was just informed.)

She hosted a public “Night Owls” event with a union representative to address this, but this one apparently wasn’t recorded.


Candygate refers to the fact that Agnes Callard, who often tweets stories about her children, once (on 2022-11-01) posted this tweet:

9yo: mama you DIDN’T throw out the halloween candy?!—

[background: we have a halloween tradition where after the kids go to bed, I throw all their candy in the garbage. The next morning, they are filled with rage.]

—thank you SO much!!! [hugs & kisses]

Reader, I forgot.

Agnes’s supposed Hallowe’en tradition created a lot of Twitter drama, which was famous enough to end up on BuzzFeed. At the time, she was proud to end up on BuzzFeed, and thought that her 2020 essay “Acceptance Parenting” was relevant to the topic. Later, she was interviewed by the Daily Nous about it.


Social media profiles by Agnes Callard

Videos with Agnes Callard

She has a YouTube channel, and in that channel she has a playlist of videos from outside her channel. So that covers most of the videos.

But at least one video is missing from that playlist, as of now:

There’s also this Instagram reel of her being asked about her clothing.

Podcasts with Agnes Callard

As a host

As a guest

Articles about Agnes Callard, and written interviews with her

In English

In other languages

Articles by Agnes Callard

Boston Review

Cato Unbound

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Daily Nous

Harper’s Magazine

The New York Times

The New Yorker

The following are the articles by Agnes for The New Yorker, but of course, this profile written by Rachel Aviv about her is famous.

The Point Magazine

The Toronto Star


The Wall Street Journal

Academic papers by Agnes Callard

Books by Agnes Callard


  1. Hi Thiago. Happy to see another fan page for Agnes Callard. My article never went down, but the URL changed:

    1. Thanks for telling me! I have changed my wording to reflect this. Your page is very useful.

  2. A couple of additional podcasts as guest:

  3. Thanks for creating this!
    Seems like an ep. you've missed (and I've enjoyed):

  4. Another one for you - appearance on a podcast/radio show as guest:

    2022-06-30: The Mine Field, Persuasion - is it possible, or even desirable?
